So the show was awesome. We got there right before they went on, and squeezed ourselves fairly close. A few songs into the show, Devin said, "That's the UFC guy!" so I looked, and right in front of me was Joe Stevenson. (We couldn't remember his name, so we looked him up when we got home, and his stats say that he is 5'7. NO WAY! That guy was shorter than me! haha )
I had just as much fun people watching as I did seeing Bad Religion. My favorite guy, by far, was the guy up on the balcony with the ridiculously HUGE mohawk, singing along with such conviction, only he didn't know any of the words. It was great.
They played old songs, not so old songs, and a brand spanking new one, Resist Stance, which I have a video of, but the internet hates me, so I can't share it here, but here's a LINK.
I'm sure you can't tell, but I love Bad Religion. :) And I got to see them FOR FREE! I am going to be happy for quite a long time.