Things that have been going on:
I chopped off all of my hair. (I was over the post partum hair loss crap, and decided to just start over. I haven't been carded since cutting it, so I guess I look old. Either that or they are starting to recognize me at the liquor store. HA!)

Devin is still in school. This week is midterms, so he's been studying constantly. He's already been EPA certified, and even in customer service (which I didn't know you could do.) 5 months to go!
Nic has about a month of school left, then he'll have a kindergarten graduation ceremony. It seems a little late, since he's already in "1st grade" in most of his subjects, but I'll take it for the photo op! I have to turn in work tomorrow, and we'll be getting the summer session stuff already. I can't believe we have been homeschooling for a whole year already!

Norah busted her nose open, and ended up with 4 stitches. =( She was climbing on a chair next to my bed, slipped, and hit her face on the bed frame. They numbed her up at the hospital with lidocane gel, so while they were sewing her up, she was singing.

She's still my little beauty.

Nolan wants to crawl SO BAD! But, he won't let me put him down long enough to practice. Every time I do put him down, he turns onto his knees, but that's it. Next week, I'm sure, he'll be mobile.

Yesterday was my mom's birthday. She spent the day at the nursery picking out flowers for her garden. I have been sick for the past couple weeks, so I didn't feel up to making a cake, but Norah picked this one out, and it was perfect and delicious.

My grandma is still not speaking to me. We are into month 4 now. Oh well, she can suck it. haha