Haven't updated this in a while. Nolan has recovered nicely, since the last post. He just has 2 little scars, his bellybutton is all back to normal. His birthday is in 2 weeks from today! This year has gone by so fast. We are having a party for him the weekend after. It started off as just a small cake and ice cream thing, and has morphed into me inviting pretty much everyone local with/without kids, and is pirate themed, with a pinata and a bounce house and everything else. ha We are getting the yard all fixed up for that. We tore apart the old deck, took down the patio cover, and the atrium. 2600 lbs of wood altogether. Now there is just a square of dirt where the deck once was, and also where the atrium was. I know we are rebuilding the patio cover first, and that is probably all that will get done by the party.
The week after, Devin's brothers will be here. Maybe they know how to build a deck. ha!
School is going great with both the kids. Nic is already about 1/2 way done with 1st grade math. I have bought some materials on my own that are at the same level, because before we move on, I want to make sure he knows it really good. So we've just been reviewing what he learned over the summer. He has been reading books to norah and nolan before bedtime, which is freaking adorable. Norah is starting to read small, simple words too. So cool. Next Friday, CHEP is having a field trip to the beach to see the tidepools. They will love that.
I will have to add more to this when I have more time. (lol when is that??? )
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
baby boy

Flushed, and delirious.
Nolan had his surgery yesterday morning :( He couldn't eat after 11:00 the night before, and he usually wakes up to nurse every couple hours, so it was a long night. No sleep was had. We had to get up for the day at 4:30, to get to the hospital on time. After it was all over, he slept for most of the day, still disoriented from the anesthesia, and groggy from the pain meds. They are not done, and he has to go back in 6 months, for another surgery. :( Then he'll be good as new.
For now, here are his "battle wounds". The bandages don't come off till monday.

He is back to his normal self today though. I haven't had to give him medicine at all, and he's back to crawling all over. Since he slept all day yesterday, he is refusing to nap today. boo.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
3rd, 4th, and smuggled fireworks.

Every year, here in Orange, they have a carnival thing on July 3rd. We have gone a couple times, and this year by far, was the most fun. I don't know if it was because the weather was better than it has ever been this time of year, or if the kids are finally at the age where they don't need to be chased around everywhere. I enjoyed myself, since all I had to do was hold nolan, and sit in the shade listening to music, while devin and the kids played on the bouncy house things. Then when the sun went down, we were treated to actual fireworks.

The 4th, we stayed home and were boring. But, we smuggled in some 'legal' (lame) fireworks from a neighboring city, since they are outlawed here. BOO. They don't even sell sparklers anymore! Oh well, at least we have a yard to secretely burn things in. I remember being in this house as a kid, and this neighborhood was the shit on the 4th of July. Our neighbor across the street would light real fireworks right in front of the house, and the whole neighborhood got together for a block party. One house would do the bbqing, one house would do the decorations, everyone was involved and it was awesome. Anyway, this is all we get now.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The End of America
Everyone should read this book/see this movie. Seriously. That is all. (and Jemma, Naomi Wolf reminds me of you.)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
A day at the beach
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I have been slacking on the blogging!
Things that have been going on:
I chopped off all of my hair. (I was over the post partum hair loss crap, and decided to just start over. I haven't been carded since cutting it, so I guess I look old. Either that or they are starting to recognize me at the liquor store. HA!)

Devin is still in school. This week is midterms, so he's been studying constantly. He's already been EPA certified, and even in customer service (which I didn't know you could do.) 5 months to go!
Nic has about a month of school left, then he'll have a kindergarten graduation ceremony. It seems a little late, since he's already in "1st grade" in most of his subjects, but I'll take it for the photo op! I have to turn in work tomorrow, and we'll be getting the summer session stuff already. I can't believe we have been homeschooling for a whole year already!

Norah busted her nose open, and ended up with 4 stitches. =( She was climbing on a chair next to my bed, slipped, and hit her face on the bed frame. They numbed her up at the hospital with lidocane gel, so while they were sewing her up, she was singing.

She's still my little beauty.

Nolan wants to crawl SO BAD! But, he won't let me put him down long enough to practice. Every time I do put him down, he turns onto his knees, but that's it. Next week, I'm sure, he'll be mobile.

Yesterday was my mom's birthday. She spent the day at the nursery picking out flowers for her garden. I have been sick for the past couple weeks, so I didn't feel up to making a cake, but Norah picked this one out, and it was perfect and delicious.

My grandma is still not speaking to me. We are into month 4 now. Oh well, she can suck it. haha
I chopped off all of my hair. (I was over the post partum hair loss crap, and decided to just start over. I haven't been carded since cutting it, so I guess I look old. Either that or they are starting to recognize me at the liquor store. HA!)

Devin is still in school. This week is midterms, so he's been studying constantly. He's already been EPA certified, and even in customer service (which I didn't know you could do.) 5 months to go!
Nic has about a month of school left, then he'll have a kindergarten graduation ceremony. It seems a little late, since he's already in "1st grade" in most of his subjects, but I'll take it for the photo op! I have to turn in work tomorrow, and we'll be getting the summer session stuff already. I can't believe we have been homeschooling for a whole year already!

Norah busted her nose open, and ended up with 4 stitches. =( She was climbing on a chair next to my bed, slipped, and hit her face on the bed frame. They numbed her up at the hospital with lidocane gel, so while they were sewing her up, she was singing.

She's still my little beauty.

Nolan wants to crawl SO BAD! But, he won't let me put him down long enough to practice. Every time I do put him down, he turns onto his knees, but that's it. Next week, I'm sure, he'll be mobile.

Yesterday was my mom's birthday. She spent the day at the nursery picking out flowers for her garden. I have been sick for the past couple weeks, so I didn't feel up to making a cake, but Norah picked this one out, and it was perfect and delicious.

My grandma is still not speaking to me. We are into month 4 now. Oh well, she can suck it. haha
Friday, April 2, 2010
Bad Religion!

So the show was awesome. We got there right before they went on, and squeezed ourselves fairly close. A few songs into the show, Devin said, "That's the UFC guy!" so I looked, and right in front of me was Joe Stevenson. (We couldn't remember his name, so we looked him up when we got home, and his stats say that he is 5'7. NO WAY! That guy was shorter than me! haha )
I had just as much fun people watching as I did seeing Bad Religion. My favorite guy, by far, was the guy up on the balcony with the ridiculously HUGE mohawk, singing along with such conviction, only he didn't know any of the words. It was great.
They played old songs, not so old songs, and a brand spanking new one, Resist Stance, which I have a video of, but the internet hates me, so I can't share it here, but here's a LINK.
I'm sure you can't tell, but I love Bad Religion. :) And I got to see them FOR FREE! I am going to be happy for quite a long time.
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