Anyway, we had been telling the kids that we were going to Disneyland on his next day off, which just happened to be sooner than we had thought. We weren't going to let losing a job ruin our fun. We got there when it opened, and stayed almost until it closed. It was a million degrees, so not too many people wanted to go. Which = no lines! We only had to really wait in one line, and a few of the rides, we just walked right on. It was awesome.
I didn't realise that Devin and I were wearing the same pants until I saw this picture.

This was a random stray cat that was just kicking back.


And Wall-E

1 comment:
I just flipped off that shitty person, I'm going to Disneyland!
You said Fuck, so I am going to also. Fuck.
You truly look like a California Girl with your golden tan in April.
I love the smiles on the kids faces, standing next to Wall-E. They matchy shorts are funny,too, because Nic is wearing plaid!
Feel free to to tell me to fuck off, but maybe this door closing means another one, an even better one, will open.
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