Last night, my brother casually said, "oh, baby Teddy is turning 1 tomorrow, you are invited to the party." I later found out that he knew about the party 2 weeks ago, and just didn't tell me until the night before.
Devin had his wisdom teeth out earlier yesterday, so he was taking vicadin and bleeding profusely, so I had to pack up both of the kids, then go to Target for a present. We decided on a xylophone.
Anyway, today was the party. Nic gets out of the car, and immediately runs up to Ted, throws his arms out to his side (with jazz hands) and says, "It's party time!" And he was defiantly the life of the party. He is extremely extroverted, and alot of times, it's not appropriate for him to be, so I am used to trying to shush him. Today, we were at the park, surrounded by a huge stereotypical Italian family, and my brothers friends. Today he could shine. haha Everybody loved him, even when Greg's mom asked him where Ted was, and he said, "He's standing over there, by that big fat guy." (her son. hahaha )

Also a weird coincidence is the last time I saw Ted he was wearing a Burger King crown.....
I would so love to see Nic now!
Nic would be in good company with my kids, whose use the word "Douchebag" in a knock-knock joke.
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