Monday, June 29, 2009

Our day

After having a mental breakdown this morning (yay pregnancy hormones!) I talked myself into taking the kids to the zoo. It was nice weather, and pretty empty, so it turned out being pretty fun. Of course, now I am completely exhausted, and still have about 4 hours to get through before bedtime. Thank god for coffee.

The first thing we did, as always, was ride the train. Nic is still completely obsessed with trains, so he was totally excited just to be there. He immediately saw the engineer, and talked his ear off about trains so much so, that he was calling him "gabby" and even asked me if my husband was the same way, because he obviously didn't get his personality from me. Then the guy grabbed my camera, and took our picture, without me even asking. We are always the center of attention when Nic's around.

Can you tell he's excited?

After we were done with that, we headed over to the zoo. All the other times we have gone, they have just had an area where you can feed goats through a fence, but today, there was an actual petting zoo area. So we spent forever in there, because the kids were having so much fun, and there weren't a million other people there for once, so we took our time.

Today was also the first time that Nic wasn't scared to feed the goats!

Fun fun.

1 comment:

Enter Clever Saying Here said...

That is the best excited face ever. LOL. Really cute