Friday, November 27, 2009

Blast from the past

While I was uploading videos, I saw these, and it's a trip watching them. Jesus kids grow fast.

This is Nic, 2, when we lived in Salt Lake. Counting the stairs in our building.

And here's Norah, just shy of 2, when we were living at my parents house.

And since I just posted a video of him pacing, here is Nic pacing back when I was still pregnant with Norah, so he's 1. He's an oldschool pacer. (our camera was a POS back then, so it skips and is like 2 seconds long.)


Lesia said...

Ok Val your kids are so darn cute. I will be following your blog now so BEWARE!!!

Riding said...

And that is how I remember Nic! Catching up, sorry to be silent so long!