Norah's 4th

My dad's 64th (it's a projector, his favorite thing in the whole world.)

Nic's 6th

It's not over either. Tomorrow is Nic's birthday. We are taking the amtrack to San Juan Capistrano, going to the zoo, and taking the train back. Then it's presents and cake.
Norah's was Chuck E Cheese. (remind me never to do that again.)
My dad's was here, and full of silent treatment from my grandmother. YAY!
I feel like I have been working constantly this month, and at the same time, have got nothing done.
Just a reminder, never go to Chuck E Cheese. Noted? Good.
The cakes are bitchin'. How come we never made cakes together?
I only had a mini oven in my apartment there! No baking for me.
Nowadays, baking is my escape from kids. :)
That reminds me of how when I first met Carter, he was living in the Avenues, and his microwave so so tiny, that you could not even pop a bag of popcorn in it!
Tell me secrets on how you keep kids away while baking. The scent tips mine off, and they never wait for anything to cool.
I made Horchata Cupcakes on Cinco de Mayo. First time for me. I'm not skilled at decorating, like you. Your goods always look appetizing, and mine have to be tasted before persuaded.
I let the kids help me bake the cakes. They put everything in the bowl (I help them measure, but they are learning) and then they mix it (and I give it a once over to make sure there's no clumps)
Then they lick the bowl, so they are satisfied before the cakes even come out of the oven. I just tell them they have to wait for it to cool off, and usually I have to cut it to a certain shape before I can decorate it, so there's always "extra" cake. They know they get the extra, so they are happy eating that while I decorate.
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