Friday, March 20, 2009

Springtime Fun!!

I guess technically this was still winter, since it was a couple days ago. But this is California, and we don't have seasons. It was 80 degrees, and we had a water balloon fight. In the process of that, the kids kept slipping on the grass, and laughing, making us say, "hey, they need a slip-n-slide"

Well, they got the concept of the slip-n-slide, but running at something full speed, and then falling onto your stomach is not a natural instinct type thing. I guess when you've spent your whole life learning how to not fall down, doing it on purpose is hard to do. So, we tried explaining how to do it. "Like a penguin!" was yelled more than I could count. It just wasn't working, so we had to improvise, and play kid bowling. It was fun for everyone!

1 comment:

Riding said...

These are excellent pictures, and it is snowing here today. Awesome.

I remember many a bloody incident on the slip-n-slide. Gotta watch out for those rocks in the ground.