Saturday, May 30, 2009

1/2 way

I am 20 weeks today. I have my ultrasound on Monday morning, so they might change the due date, but I'm not expecting them to. If anything, they'll move it up. (*fingers crossed* ) We are going to find out the gender, if baby cooperates. Devin leaves at the end of the month, and won't be here for the birth, so I'll let him have his "It's a ____!" moment then, so we can find out together. Plus I hate gender neutral baby clothes! They are so boring, and most of them still look girly.
Everyone is expecting it to be a boy. I keep dreaming that it is a boy, except for last night, I dreamt it was a girl. All of the old wives tales are split 50/50, and I have found 2 different Chinese gender charts, one saying boy and the other saying girl.
2 more days!! Place your bets!


riding said...

I honestly could not say either way what I think you are having. I am anxious to find out the results, though!

Enter Clever Saying Here said...

I'm gonna say boy....
If I'm right do I win something?

megan said...

If you get it right, you win bragging rights for your psychic powers.