Baby #3 is a boy! I knew it all along, I just had a feeling. The ultrasound was the worst one I have had between all of the kids. It seemed to go by really fast, and baby was in a scrunched position with his legs crossed by the time I got to see him. These are the only pictures we got. She actually printed out 4 profile shots, and this was the best one.

Then I asked for a gender shot, but like I said, he was being shy, so this is the best we could get. She said that she definitely saw it earlier in the exam. (the arrow is pointing to the goods)

It definitely doesn't look like a girl to me. Final count, 1 girl, 2 boys!!
Everyone is having boys! In my family alone we have had 6 babies born or that will be born so far this year, and they are all boys. Congratulations!
I called it!
A dude, a little man! Bring on the Black, and anything but Giraffes,right!?
So,did you manage not to wet yourself, after all of the water you have to drink before ultrasounds?
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