So, we went home, and stressed about how they were going to actually accomplish doing all of this work (and what it was going to look like). We were given the option of strapping him down to a board, having him fully awake through the whole thing, and using only novocaine. (Uh, no.)
OR, we could just give him nitrus, which I think would just freak him out even more, so no.
And the option that we finally decided on, general anesthesia. So for the past couple weeks I have been reading about it, and possible side affects (including brain damage, and death) totally freaking myself out. Today was the day. I took him in this morning, and they re-did the 2 side x-rays, and found out that the cavities weren't as deep as they thought, so they just wanted to do one cap, and 5 fillings. Then it was time.
The anesthesiologist came in, and kind of distracted Nic with a ball, and then started feeling all of his muscles, bent over, and out of his shirt pocket, snuck a needle filled with who knows what into the back of his arm. Nic was completely asleep in my arms within 2 minutes.
Then they took him back, and I didn't see him for an hour and a 1/2.
When he was carried back out to me, he was still asleep, and over the next 30 minutes, he was completely out of it. He didn't know what happened. He kept trying to sit up, and then he'd start to fall asleep again, then he'd jerk himself awake and scream/cry. It was hard to watch. The first thing he said (which was really hard to understand) was "Where's the ball?" He fell asleep in my arms, and then woke up in my arms, so he had no memory of going in the other room or anything. The doctor ended up carrying him to my car, because he's too heavy for me to lift, and by the time we got to the freeway, he was really trying to talk again. His mouth was still numb, so he just kept slurring, "I can't speak! My mouth is broken."
By the time we got home, he was able to talk for the most part, but my dad carried him from the car to the door, and once he was inside, he stood for the first time. He stumbled around, holding my hand, and was walking like a drunk. He immediately wanted to play Super Mario Galaxy, so that's what he did while he recovered.
And this was all before 11:00 this morning! He's back to normal now, but the doctor said that he'd be in and out of it all day. Anyway, here's his new smile! (I am happy there is only one metal tooth instead of 5, and especially happy that these are baby teeth, and thus, only temporary)

Have you seen that video of that kid on youtube where he just came back from the dentist and was all out of it and kept asking his dad if this was real life? Now I'm all scared. We go to the dentist for the first time on tuesday. Yes, I am a horrible mom. Neither of my kids have been to the dentist yet.
Yes! He was kind of like that towards the end, but at first, it was scary.
I took Norah to the dentist for the first time about a month ago, and she has no cavities, because she's got the little gaps between most of her teeth. Nic's teeth are all tightly touching, which means cavities for now, and braces in the future.
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