Here is Nic kicking back in the O from the big "California" sign as we were waiting to get in.

One of the first things we did was the Tower of Terror. The only people that wanted to go were my dad, my brother, and Devin. Actually, Norah wanted to go too, but she isn't tall enough. So while they were all doing that, my mom, the kids and I walked over to the Monsters Inc. ride, and on the way, we ran into Goofy.

After we were done, we walked around some more, and wasted some time in a few stores.

Then it was time to eat lunch/dinner at Ariel's Grotto. If you know anything about Norah, you should know that she loves the Little Mermaid. So eating here was a must, since everyone was with us. When you walk in, you stand in a line to meet Ariel, and then you are taken to your table.
Waiting in line...

And meeting Ariel...

Norah immediatly ran up to her and gave her a huge hug, and I missed the picture because people were in my way. But just know that she was in Heaven.

Then it was time to eat.

And while we were eating, this Ted look alike came up to sell us the Ariel picture. The whole time he was talking, I wasn't really listening to anything he was saying, I was just staring and thinking, 'damn you look like Ted.' haha (Michelle is the only one reading this that even knows who Ted is, and you have to agree that he totally looks like him.)

Here is me randomly looking very disgruntled.

As we were eating, these 'princes' kept coming up to the table to talk to Nic. One guy in particular was so fasinated with him, he hovered around our table for most of the meal. So much so, that at the end, I had the kids get their picture with him. I think he just thought he was being funny, because of the random things he was saying. I didn't want to out his autism, because everyone, including Nic, seemed to be enjoying it. Even though the mama bear in me just wanted to scream "LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!" Honestly though, he will talk anyone's ear off that is willing to listen. Mostly about monsters and Mario.
Anyway, here is the guy.

Also while we were eating, all of the princesses came by to talk to us, and take pictures. So Norah was excited to meet all of them. The only princesses that I know she knows are Ariel and Jasmine. She hasn't seen any of the other movies, but she was just as excited to see them too.

Snow White (without her seven dorks, as Nic calls them)


And Jasmine

So when we were done eating (can you tell that was the highlight of the day? lol) we went on some more kiddie rides, which are more nausiating than you'd think.

And when we were done with all of those, we only had about a 1/2 hour left before the park closed. So the boys went back to the Tower of Terror, and my mom, the kids and I watched the parade.
Here's the picture of them on the ride. I think my favorite person in the picture is the absolutely terrified little girl in the front. haha It really makes the ride live up to it's name.

I haven't seen Ted in years but it looks like an older version to me hahaha
All the pictures of the princesses and Norah are sooooo cute!
I plan on taking James and Courtney on my birthday, do you have season passes? If so plan on going that day!
My favorite of the last picture is the old oriental lady in the back, she looks like she might of just shit her pants.
We do have passes, but we bought the cheapest ones that have the most blackout dates. The calendar they gave me only goes until October, so I don't know what they are in November, but it looks like it's mostly just weekends, holidays, and July that we can't go. I will have a newborn baby to haul around on your birthday though.
I love Nic's shirt, it looks vintage.
The Tower of Terror was my favorite ride, but it has been close to 7 years since I have been on it.(Disneyworld)
Are you going to find out what you are having? If you have already said, I am sorry. I have lost track because I have so many friends expecting right now.
Devin wants to find out, and the more I look for clothes, the more I want to find out too. But the big question is, will I tell people???
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