Friday, June 5, 2009

doctor visit

I had my 20 week appointment today, which turned out to be my 21.5 week appointment. The ultrasound lady said that my due date wouldn't change, but my doctor moved it up a week. I am still expecting the baby to come earlier, but Oct. 12 is the new due date. I also scheduled a mini ultrasound for June 17th to confirm gender, since I didn't get a definite look at the goods, and that will also be nice, because otherwise today would have been the last time Devin could be a part of this pregnancy. Now he gets to see the baby one more time. My next regular appointment is July 3rd, and they'll do the glucose thing. Yum. I think I'm the only person in the world that actually likes the taste of the drink they give you.


The Wildes said...

Woo hoo! October 12th is my birthday.

megan said...

haha Aren't you due on my birthday?