Then this afternoon, I had to go to the CHEP school and turn in all the school work we've done so far. Nic is doing great. I am so happy we are homeschooling. He did go to his first kindergarten camp class last week. It was just over an hour long, and there were about 20 kids altogether. The only feedback I got from the teacher was that he is easily distractable, but they were able to get him focused again without too much work, and that he was the teachers special helper. That makes me happy, because I was afraid that he'd be how he was, and instead of the teacher paying extra attention to him, he'd just be brushed aside. So I am really happy with how this whole thing is going.
The next class is on Oct 20th, from 9:30 until noon. And I would imagine by then, I will have definitely had Nolan. yay! I can't wait! lol
We also decided that lizards are shitty pets. They are like fish. They are high maintenance, and you can't really play with them. So we let them go in the same yard we found them in, and bought a new rat. He is so cute. He has a little mohawk! He is completely white, except for the mask on his face. His name is Mortimer, Mortie for short.

What homeschooling program are you working with? And how did you find the homeschooling camp?
Sending labor vibes your way!
We are lucky to live where we do, because I haven't found anything like this anywhere else, but I could be wrong. It's the Community Home Education Program. It's mostly homeschool, but you are assigned to a teacher to oversee everything. Every 20 days, you go and turn in work, and make a new lesson plan. Then every 3 months, they do a progress report, and instead of letter grades, they just make a note of the kid either progressing, regressing, or staying at the same level, and then they adjust the lesson plan to fit the need.
There are also classes that you can sign up for, and so far we've just started with kindergarten camp. It's mostly for socializing, but they do educational art projects and things like that.
I think the closest thing in Utah to CHEP is K12, but I think that might just be online support. That's how it is here, but different states are set up differently. I have a friend in Hawaii that uses K12, and it is more than just online.
This ended up being longer than my blog! lol
The thing you've got going seems like the best thing I've heard in regards to least in my personal opinion. :D
I wish there was something like that here!!
Thanks for sharing your info!
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