It is everything I could have dreamed of. haha It has so many little buttons and compartments, I'm still finding new ones.
We are still waiting for the insurance companies to pay for the old car. They did finally come out and take pictures of it, and officially totalled it. Now we are waiting for money, and for them to tow it away. But I can't be without a car any longer, so we went ahead and got the van, which we needed anyway, since a 3rd baby would have never fit in the old car.
And the belly pic. This was this morning, 35 weeks.

I can't believe you are already almost due. And you look so cute!!
I was having contractions last night, 7-10 minutes apart for over an hour. I was reeeeeeallly hoping that it was time, but noooooooo. They stopped, and I am still here. UGH.
Good things seemed to had been gone so long, as the song goes. But, they are back for you guys now!
And, you always have Disneyland; The Happiest Place on Earth.
I checked out the Beverly Garland Suites today, because they have an awesome set-up for kids. Downside is that it is expensive, and we are not low key guests that can easily be accommodated by a sibling without kids, and a sibling who is a single Dad. I really want to come visit my siblings out there, and you too. How many years have I been saying that?!
I hope you know how much I miss you guys. I know I do not keep in touch often enough.
If we had the room, I would offer a place to stay here! We have a den, but I wouldn't imagine it to be too comfortable with all of you guys crammed in it.
I wish you could come visit! I miss you too!
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