So I am just left to worry about it I guess. Also, I have been having contractions since being in the hospital, but they still aren't doing anything, because she checked me yesterday, and I was still a 3! They don't feel like BH, they feel like real contractions, so it's really annoying. The only thing I can do is walk, and hope they start coming in some pattern. I think I might go to the mall later just so I can walk around.
Also, I lost another pound since last week, even though I ate a bunch of ribs and stuff right before my appointment. The nurse asked me if I just don't eat good, and I'm like, "Uh, I just stuffed my face right before I came." It was my brother's birthday yesterday, so we had a big meal in celebration. Anyway, I am sooooo ready to have this baby. I am worried about his little heart, and I know I won't stop worrying until he's out. Go into labor already!!!! Ugh.
These were from yesterday.

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