Saturday, October 3, 2009

Dr. appointment

My doctor is on vacation! So I had to see Dog the bounty hunter again, but at least she knows my history, so it was ok. I told her about the whole hospital ordeal, and the issue with my heart. After writing it all down in my chart, she checked the baby's heart rate. As soon as she put the doppler on, I said, "wow that sounds really fast" and she said, "yeah, it is. It's about 179." So of course I started worrying again. She waited a couple minutes, and checked it again, and it was down to 153. Normal is 130-150. She didn't seem too concerned about it, but she did say that if I feel him moving more than normal, to go straight to the hospital. Which is nearly impossible for me to judge, because he moves like crazy all the time!
So I am just left to worry about it I guess. Also, I have been having contractions since being in the hospital, but they still aren't doing anything, because she checked me yesterday, and I was still a 3! They don't feel like BH, they feel like real contractions, so it's really annoying. The only thing I can do is walk, and hope they start coming in some pattern. I think I might go to the mall later just so I can walk around.
Also, I lost another pound since last week, even though I ate a bunch of ribs and stuff right before my appointment. The nurse asked me if I just don't eat good, and I'm like, "Uh, I just stuffed my face right before I came." It was my brother's birthday yesterday, so we had a big meal in celebration. Anyway, I am sooooo ready to have this baby. I am worried about his little heart, and I know I won't stop worrying until he's out. Go into labor already!!!! Ugh.

These were from yesterday.

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