This week has been pretty busy so far. Nolan had his circumcision done on Friday, so Monday we had to take him back to the doctor for a check up, to make sure everything is healing ok, which it is. Then yesterday, I had to go to Nic's school to turn in/pick up work, and get a progress report. Nic is pretty average on everything for his age, except he is apparently doing extremely well in math. Devin has taken over the math portion of the teaching, and he always says that he just flys through it. I figured it was just because it's kindergarten, and therefore easy, but the teacher said that it's "impressive" that he is getting everything done so easily. So I am happy about that, and also that he isn't behind on anything. It looks like we are doing good. After talking to the teacher, Nic went to his second "kindergarten camp" class. He said that they read a book about an owl, and then made an owl. The next class is in November, and it is about Thanksgiving, so he's looking forward to that.
Tomorrow, Devin has an 'interviewing skills' class thing that he has to go to. I think there is only one more class after this one, and then he can FINALLY start the HVAC school. Everything keeps getting postponed. It's taking forever, but once he actually gets into this school, things will be better.
Next Thursday, he and my dad have another show. One of these days I will be able to go watch, but for now, I am just the babysitter.
This is a picture from their last show, maybe someone will take more this time. Or hell, maybe even a movie! lol

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