Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Yesterday was another turn in day for Nic's school. While he was with the rest of the kids doing Thanksgiving-y stuff, I talked to our supervising teacher. Apparently, last time we were there, the teachers were asking her if Nic was ADHD, because he is constantly moving, and kind of in his own world. I have always thought that's what it is, but he was diagnosed with autism - high functioning. I guess it fit at the time, but as he's grown, I just don't think that's what it is anymore.
Anyway, I spent a good hour and a 1/2 talking to the teacher and the special needs liaison about how to go about getting him re-evaluated by the school district. Since we are homeschooling, I didn't think we could do that. I guess he can still be evaluated, but not treated unless he is enrolled in school. I have to fill out a bunch of papers, and write a letter to the school board, but he will get re-evaluated. Then in January, the health network for our insurance changes, so I can take him to a not ghetto doctor, and have him re-evaluated again through them too. I am predicting that the diagnosis will be different than it was when he was 3.


Lesia said...

didn't realize you were home schooling...

Riding said...

So, what happened, do you have new results!?

megan said...

He hasn't been evaluated yet. I have the papers to turn in next Tuesday, and I'm not sure how long it will take after that.

And Lesia..... not quite sure who you are.. ?