We decided to get annual passes to Disneyland today. They are good at both parks, so when we got tired of walking through the spring break crowd, we walked over the California Adventure to see what was there. I have never been there, so it was all new to me. There weren't as many people, because there isn't as much to do there. But they have a whole area with kiddie rides, and a 3-D Bug's Life movie. We only went on a few rides, because we got there late, and the lines were super long. We mostly walked around through the stores, and looked at what was all there. But we had fun, and we'll have a whole year get through everything. We'll just forget the part where I'm hugely pregnant, and also the part where I have a newborn to haul around. It will still be fun.
Since blogs are better with pics, here's what I got.
The first thing we did was get on the train. I bet you can guess who's idea that was...

You can't quite see in this picture, but there was a lady a few people down from us that I ever so gracefully tripped and fell on as we were getting off the train. I grabbed on to her boob on the way down. It took me far too long to regain my balance, so there my hand stayed. Hilarity (and embarrassment) ensued. (They were real, if anyone was wondering)

Nic on the jungle cruise

Norah and Devin, also on the jungle cruise

My super sweet 3-D glasses

This is a painting that we are standing in front of. It made me dizzy looking at it.

And Norah obviously gets her grace from me.