Tuesday, September 15, 2009


All I can think about is having this baby. My back hurts like crazy. You know when you hold a baby for a while, and your back starts to hurt so you switch sides? Well, it's like that, only I can't switch sides. It just keeps hurting more and more. Nolan is not helping, because he is always laying on the same side, kicking me in the same spot on my ribs. I could not fall asleep last night, between the kicks and the insanely itchy skin I've got going on. Not to mention not being able to find a spot where my back muscles didn't feel like they were going to rip apart.
And then Devin wonders why I was in such a bad mood this morning.

Of course none of this pain and exhaustion could compete with my nesting needs. I went out and washed both cars this morning, sorted all the laundry (I didn't actually get to wash it, because someone else has been using the machine all day), and I am fighting the urge to go out to the garage and put together the swing. The only reason I'm not doing that is because I don't know where I am going to put it yet, and I am sure that one of the kids will break it somehow before I even get to use it.

Wow, this was a blog about nothing. Here are some pics! ha

36 weeks already!

These were from yesterday. We went to Disneyland, because it wasn't sunny for once, and I felt like walking.

1 comment:

Riding said...

It is bittersweet seeing your pictures. Don't get me wrong, I love being able to know little tidbits of your life. I just miss hanging out.