Wednesday morning, we got to the hospital at 7:00 in the morning, as planned, and by the time we were all set up in the room and had all of the paperwork filled out, the IV was started at 8:00. Contractions started, pretty sporadically at first, and every 15 minutes, the nurse would come in and increase the pitocin. I kept saying, "this isn't going to work" because nothing was happening. I was having contractions, but they were from my belly button up. Uncomfortable, but I knew they weren't opening my cervix. So I labored like this until 2:00 in the afternoon, when my doctor finally came in and checked me. I was STILL a 3. So while he was down there, he stripped my membranes. After he did that things started to get really uncomfortable. I was finally feeling the contractions where I should, and I really thought I was finally getting somewhere.
5:00 rolls around, and the doctor came back to check me again, and I was a 4. At least it was something but after contracting for 9 hours (plus the whole week before hand) and only dilating 1 CENTIMETER, I agreed to have him break my water. But not until I had the epidural.
I got the epidural at 5:30, and the doctor broke my water shortly after that. I was comfortable enough to try and nap as soon as I was left alone again. I figured I had time, since things were going so slow. Well, I was wrong. 30 minutes later, the nurse came in to check me, because I was having crazy contractions since the water had been broken, and I was an 8! 5 minutes later, I called her back in, because I was feeling tons of pressure, and needed to push. She checked me and said, "Oh yeah, he's coming! Let me call the doctor." I had to wait about 15 minutes for the doctor to get back to the hospital, and as soon as he walked into the room, I started pushing, and Nolan David was here in 3 pushes, at 6:53pm.
He was 9 lbs even, 20 inches long. HUGE! If I would have waited another week for him to possibly come on his own, he would have been 10+ lbs easy. I am so happy that I evicted him when I did.
The first night of his life was filled with lots of feet poking and blood tests, because he was so big. They wanted to keep an eye on his blood sugar, but he passed all the tests. Nothing wrong, he's just a healthy guy. Nursing has been going great, and he is the calmest of all of my babies. *knock on wood*

Yay! Super congrats! I am so happy for you! It sounds like things couldn't be better right now, and that is wonderful!
I love the pics! They're all super cute!
I think he has your mouth! Man, he is huge next to Nic! Pushing three times is SO nice! I am happy for your family. I wish I could be there to help out, and maybe make you a mushroom free meal.
I look forward to all the pictures to come. I am sure he will change immensely by next week!
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