Monday, June 29, 2009

Our day

After having a mental breakdown this morning (yay pregnancy hormones!) I talked myself into taking the kids to the zoo. It was nice weather, and pretty empty, so it turned out being pretty fun. Of course, now I am completely exhausted, and still have about 4 hours to get through before bedtime. Thank god for coffee.

The first thing we did, as always, was ride the train. Nic is still completely obsessed with trains, so he was totally excited just to be there. He immediately saw the engineer, and talked his ear off about trains so much so, that he was calling him "gabby" and even asked me if my husband was the same way, because he obviously didn't get his personality from me. Then the guy grabbed my camera, and took our picture, without me even asking. We are always the center of attention when Nic's around.

Can you tell he's excited?

After we were done with that, we headed over to the zoo. All the other times we have gone, they have just had an area where you can feed goats through a fence, but today, there was an actual petting zoo area. So we spent forever in there, because the kids were having so much fun, and there weren't a million other people there for once, so we took our time.

Today was also the first time that Nic wasn't scared to feed the goats!

Fun fun.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Devin is in Texas. The kids and I took him to the airport this morning, and they just kept saying, "I'm going to miss you" It was sad.

If he can't find a good job by the end of August, he is coming back so he can be here when I have the baby. I hope he finds something quick. All I know is that I will be huge the next time he sees me. ha

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Insert Title Here.

I just realized that the baby's name is hidden on my blog in a few different places. Has anyone noticed? hahaha Man, I suck at secrets! I think Devin has already told everyone in his family anyway, so he sucks too. AND, the kids know. When we had the first ultrasound, as soon as we found out it was a boy, Nic told the tech, "His name is going to be _____!" So can you find it? haha

Anyway, here he is, at 23.5 weeks. I actually didn't have to take these myself! (and Norah wanted to be in all of the pictures, so I was laughing at her in the first one.)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Feet and naughty bits

I had a mini in-office ultrasound today, because I wasn't satisfied with basicly taking the tech's word for it, as far as gender goes. Today my baby boy was not shy at all. I drank ice cold water, and ate some candy before I went in, to make sure he'd be awake. The whole thing only took about 5 minutes, which went by far too fast, but we got to see his little feet wiggiling around, and got a better shot of the goods. He is definatly a he, and now I feel confident in buying boy things.

Profile and feet...

Naughty bits and face...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

This is our dog, Angus.

This dog actually has a very loving home just around the corner from us, but every chance he gets, he comes straight over to our house. He will actually pace in front of our gate, whimpering, until someone lets him in. He loves it here.
The day we moved in here, we were all outside bringing stuff in from the moving van, and this dog randomly showed up, and the kids were playing with him for about 45 minutes before the owner finally showed up and took him home.
Since then, he has been here at least 10 times, just wanting to play. He really is the best dog ever, since we just get to play with him, and not have to clean up after him. lol

And he is so gigantic, that he likes to play fetch with a soccer ball.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

school is cool

I had to go to the school this morning to meet with Nic's teacher, and get a lesson plan. I decided to bring Nic with me, and while I was talking to the teacher, he was drawing on the dry erase board. It started off with his name, then he drew a shark, and a jellyfish. Cute. Then somehow, it turned into this whole morbid story, all drawn out very graphicly, about Swiper (from Dora the Explorer) cutting off Mickey Mouse's head with an axe. Then Mickey Mouse went to the hospital and Swiper sewed his head back on, but as soon as he got out of the hospital, a shark chewed his arm off. Since it was with dry erase markers, it was all colorful. Blood everywhere.

I was sitting there, horrified, but extremely amused. The teacher was just laughing along with me, and just kept complimenting how good of an artist he is. I can't even describe how detailed all of these pictures were, it was almost like watching a cartoon. First, he drew the back of Swiper's head, with his bandana in his hands, then erased that, and drew a profile of him starting to put the bandana on, and then erased that, and drew him from the front with the bandana completely on, and a really angry look on his face. Then the axe appeared in his hand...


Anyway, I got a huge booklet of stuff to do with him this summer, and lots of ideas for even more. I am excited to finally get this offically started!

Friday, June 5, 2009

doctor visit

I had my 20 week appointment today, which turned out to be my 21.5 week appointment. The ultrasound lady said that my due date wouldn't change, but my doctor moved it up a week. I am still expecting the baby to come earlier, but Oct. 12 is the new due date. I also scheduled a mini ultrasound for June 17th to confirm gender, since I didn't get a definite look at the goods, and that will also be nice, because otherwise today would have been the last time Devin could be a part of this pregnancy. Now he gets to see the baby one more time. My next regular appointment is July 3rd, and they'll do the glucose thing. Yum. I think I'm the only person in the world that actually likes the taste of the drink they give you.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009

I am outnumbered!

Baby #3 is a boy! I knew it all along, I just had a feeling. The ultrasound was the worst one I have had between all of the kids. It seemed to go by really fast, and baby was in a scrunched position with his legs crossed by the time I got to see him. These are the only pictures we got. She actually printed out 4 profile shots, and this was the best one.

Then I asked for a gender shot, but like I said, he was being shy, so this is the best we could get. She said that she definitely saw it earlier in the exam. (the arrow is pointing to the goods)

It definitely doesn't look like a girl to me. Final count, 1 girl, 2 boys!!