I am 20 weeks today. I have my ultrasound on Monday morning, so they might change the due date, but I'm not expecting them to. If anything, they'll move it up. (*fingers crossed* ) We are going to find out the gender, if baby cooperates. Devin leaves at the end of the month, and won't be here for the birth, so I'll let him have his "It's a ____!" moment then, so we can find out together. Plus I hate gender neutral baby clothes! They are so boring, and most of them still look girly.
Everyone is expecting it to be a boy. I keep dreaming that it is a boy, except for last night, I dreamt it was a girl. All of the old wives tales are split 50/50, and I have found 2 different Chinese gender charts, one saying boy and the other saying girl.
2 more days!! Place your bets!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
I must be easily amused
but spanglish is just as amusing as engrish.
Someone left this card on our front porch the other day. I guess they don't know how to use spellcheck.

I count 10. "Custom" is spelled wrong twice on this side, but it was right on the front. I just imagine them looking at it and saying, "dammit! We forgot the E! Maybe no one will notice." hahaha
Someone left this card on our front porch the other day. I guess they don't know how to use spellcheck.

I count 10. "Custom" is spelled wrong twice on this side, but it was right on the front. I just imagine them looking at it and saying, "dammit! We forgot the E! Maybe no one will notice." hahaha
Saturday, May 23, 2009
It's so funny that I was just recently talking about Ted, because I haven't actually heard from or seen him since last June. He came by to show us his new baby the night before we left for Texas. ha
Last night, my brother casually said, "oh, baby Teddy is turning 1 tomorrow, you are invited to the party." I later found out that he knew about the party 2 weeks ago, and just didn't tell me until the night before.
Devin had his wisdom teeth out earlier yesterday, so he was taking vicadin and bleeding profusely, so I had to pack up both of the kids, then go to Target for a present. We decided on a xylophone.
Anyway, today was the party. Nic gets out of the car, and immediately runs up to Ted, throws his arms out to his side (with jazz hands) and says, "It's party time!" And he was defiantly the life of the party. He is extremely extroverted, and alot of times, it's not appropriate for him to be, so I am used to trying to shush him. Today, we were at the park, surrounded by a huge stereotypical Italian family, and my brothers friends. Today he could shine. haha Everybody loved him, even when Greg's mom asked him where Ted was, and he said, "He's standing over there, by that big fat guy." (her son. hahaha )

Last night, my brother casually said, "oh, baby Teddy is turning 1 tomorrow, you are invited to the party." I later found out that he knew about the party 2 weeks ago, and just didn't tell me until the night before.
Devin had his wisdom teeth out earlier yesterday, so he was taking vicadin and bleeding profusely, so I had to pack up both of the kids, then go to Target for a present. We decided on a xylophone.
Anyway, today was the party. Nic gets out of the car, and immediately runs up to Ted, throws his arms out to his side (with jazz hands) and says, "It's party time!" And he was defiantly the life of the party. He is extremely extroverted, and alot of times, it's not appropriate for him to be, so I am used to trying to shush him. Today, we were at the park, surrounded by a huge stereotypical Italian family, and my brothers friends. Today he could shine. haha Everybody loved him, even when Greg's mom asked him where Ted was, and he said, "He's standing over there, by that big fat guy." (her son. hahaha )

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Since it's official now...
Devin bought a one way plane ticket to Texas for June 23rd. He is leaving so that he can start our new nest there. He is going to be staying with his mom while he gets a job and an apartment. Once everything is all set up, I will follow with the kids. This of course means that he probably won't be here for the birth of baby #3, but hopefully we'll all be back together by Christmas.
If army wives can do it, dammit, so can I.
If army wives can do it, dammit, so can I.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
kids are swimming, I am bored
Saturday, May 16, 2009
A few weeks ago, I took Nic to the dentist because I could see 2 cavities. I figured that they'd fill them, and we'd be on our way. Well, it wasn't that easy. They took x-rays of all of his teeth (which was hard enough) and since he wouldn't sit still for that long, and kept spitting out the little plastic things they stick in your mouth, the side x-rays didn't come out so great. So we left that day thinking that he'd need 5 caps, a mini root canal on the front tooth, and 2 small fillings.
So, we went home, and stressed about how they were going to actually accomplish doing all of this work (and what it was going to look like). We were given the option of strapping him down to a board, having him fully awake through the whole thing, and using only novocaine. (Uh, no.)
OR, we could just give him nitrus, which I think would just freak him out even more, so no.
And the option that we finally decided on, general anesthesia. So for the past couple weeks I have been reading about it, and possible side affects (including brain damage, and death) totally freaking myself out. Today was the day. I took him in this morning, and they re-did the 2 side x-rays, and found out that the cavities weren't as deep as they thought, so they just wanted to do one cap, and 5 fillings. Then it was time.
The anesthesiologist came in, and kind of distracted Nic with a ball, and then started feeling all of his muscles, bent over, and out of his shirt pocket, snuck a needle filled with who knows what into the back of his arm. Nic was completely asleep in my arms within 2 minutes.
Then they took him back, and I didn't see him for an hour and a 1/2.
When he was carried back out to me, he was still asleep, and over the next 30 minutes, he was completely out of it. He didn't know what happened. He kept trying to sit up, and then he'd start to fall asleep again, then he'd jerk himself awake and scream/cry. It was hard to watch. The first thing he said (which was really hard to understand) was "Where's the ball?" He fell asleep in my arms, and then woke up in my arms, so he had no memory of going in the other room or anything. The doctor ended up carrying him to my car, because he's too heavy for me to lift, and by the time we got to the freeway, he was really trying to talk again. His mouth was still numb, so he just kept slurring, "I can't speak! My mouth is broken."
By the time we got home, he was able to talk for the most part, but my dad carried him from the car to the door, and once he was inside, he stood for the first time. He stumbled around, holding my hand, and was walking like a drunk. He immediately wanted to play Super Mario Galaxy, so that's what he did while he recovered.
And this was all before 11:00 this morning! He's back to normal now, but the doctor said that he'd be in and out of it all day. Anyway, here's his new smile! (I am happy there is only one metal tooth instead of 5, and especially happy that these are baby teeth, and thus, only temporary)
So, we went home, and stressed about how they were going to actually accomplish doing all of this work (and what it was going to look like). We were given the option of strapping him down to a board, having him fully awake through the whole thing, and using only novocaine. (Uh, no.)
OR, we could just give him nitrus, which I think would just freak him out even more, so no.
And the option that we finally decided on, general anesthesia. So for the past couple weeks I have been reading about it, and possible side affects (including brain damage, and death) totally freaking myself out. Today was the day. I took him in this morning, and they re-did the 2 side x-rays, and found out that the cavities weren't as deep as they thought, so they just wanted to do one cap, and 5 fillings. Then it was time.
The anesthesiologist came in, and kind of distracted Nic with a ball, and then started feeling all of his muscles, bent over, and out of his shirt pocket, snuck a needle filled with who knows what into the back of his arm. Nic was completely asleep in my arms within 2 minutes.
Then they took him back, and I didn't see him for an hour and a 1/2.
When he was carried back out to me, he was still asleep, and over the next 30 minutes, he was completely out of it. He didn't know what happened. He kept trying to sit up, and then he'd start to fall asleep again, then he'd jerk himself awake and scream/cry. It was hard to watch. The first thing he said (which was really hard to understand) was "Where's the ball?" He fell asleep in my arms, and then woke up in my arms, so he had no memory of going in the other room or anything. The doctor ended up carrying him to my car, because he's too heavy for me to lift, and by the time we got to the freeway, he was really trying to talk again. His mouth was still numb, so he just kept slurring, "I can't speak! My mouth is broken."
By the time we got home, he was able to talk for the most part, but my dad carried him from the car to the door, and once he was inside, he stood for the first time. He stumbled around, holding my hand, and was walking like a drunk. He immediately wanted to play Super Mario Galaxy, so that's what he did while he recovered.
And this was all before 11:00 this morning! He's back to normal now, but the doctor said that he'd be in and out of it all day. Anyway, here's his new smile! (I am happy there is only one metal tooth instead of 5, and especially happy that these are baby teeth, and thus, only temporary)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Another day at Disneyland
When we went on my mom's birthday, she got a 2-fer ticket. Which means that she could go to one park that day, and then had 30 days to go to the other park for free. So we all went yesterday. There is definatly not as much stuff to do there, but we had fun with the few things we did do.
Here is Nic kicking back in the O from the big "California" sign as we were waiting to get in.

One of the first things we did was the Tower of Terror. The only people that wanted to go were my dad, my brother, and Devin. Actually, Norah wanted to go too, but she isn't tall enough. So while they were all doing that, my mom, the kids and I walked over to the Monsters Inc. ride, and on the way, we ran into Goofy.

After we were done, we walked around some more, and wasted some time in a few stores.

Then it was time to eat lunch/dinner at Ariel's Grotto. If you know anything about Norah, you should know that she loves the Little Mermaid. So eating here was a must, since everyone was with us. When you walk in, you stand in a line to meet Ariel, and then you are taken to your table.
Waiting in line...

And meeting Ariel...

Norah immediatly ran up to her and gave her a huge hug, and I missed the picture because people were in my way. But just know that she was in Heaven.

Then it was time to eat.

And while we were eating, this Ted look alike came up to sell us the Ariel picture. The whole time he was talking, I wasn't really listening to anything he was saying, I was just staring and thinking, 'damn you look like Ted.' haha (Michelle is the only one reading this that even knows who Ted is, and you have to agree that he totally looks like him.)

Here is me randomly looking very disgruntled.

As we were eating, these 'princes' kept coming up to the table to talk to Nic. One guy in particular was so fasinated with him, he hovered around our table for most of the meal. So much so, that at the end, I had the kids get their picture with him. I think he just thought he was being funny, because of the random things he was saying. I didn't want to out his autism, because everyone, including Nic, seemed to be enjoying it. Even though the mama bear in me just wanted to scream "LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!" Honestly though, he will talk anyone's ear off that is willing to listen. Mostly about monsters and Mario.
Anyway, here is the guy.

Also while we were eating, all of the princesses came by to talk to us, and take pictures. So Norah was excited to meet all of them. The only princesses that I know she knows are Ariel and Jasmine. She hasn't seen any of the other movies, but she was just as excited to see them too.

Snow White (without her seven dorks, as Nic calls them)


And Jasmine

So when we were done eating (can you tell that was the highlight of the day? lol) we went on some more kiddie rides, which are more nausiating than you'd think.

And when we were done with all of those, we only had about a 1/2 hour left before the park closed. So the boys went back to the Tower of Terror, and my mom, the kids and I watched the parade.
Here's the picture of them on the ride. I think my favorite person in the picture is the absolutely terrified little girl in the front. haha It really makes the ride live up to it's name.

Here is Nic kicking back in the O from the big "California" sign as we were waiting to get in.

One of the first things we did was the Tower of Terror. The only people that wanted to go were my dad, my brother, and Devin. Actually, Norah wanted to go too, but she isn't tall enough. So while they were all doing that, my mom, the kids and I walked over to the Monsters Inc. ride, and on the way, we ran into Goofy.

After we were done, we walked around some more, and wasted some time in a few stores.

Then it was time to eat lunch/dinner at Ariel's Grotto. If you know anything about Norah, you should know that she loves the Little Mermaid. So eating here was a must, since everyone was with us. When you walk in, you stand in a line to meet Ariel, and then you are taken to your table.
Waiting in line...

And meeting Ariel...

Norah immediatly ran up to her and gave her a huge hug, and I missed the picture because people were in my way. But just know that she was in Heaven.

Then it was time to eat.

And while we were eating, this Ted look alike came up to sell us the Ariel picture. The whole time he was talking, I wasn't really listening to anything he was saying, I was just staring and thinking, 'damn you look like Ted.' haha (Michelle is the only one reading this that even knows who Ted is, and you have to agree that he totally looks like him.)

Here is me randomly looking very disgruntled.

As we were eating, these 'princes' kept coming up to the table to talk to Nic. One guy in particular was so fasinated with him, he hovered around our table for most of the meal. So much so, that at the end, I had the kids get their picture with him. I think he just thought he was being funny, because of the random things he was saying. I didn't want to out his autism, because everyone, including Nic, seemed to be enjoying it. Even though the mama bear in me just wanted to scream "LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!" Honestly though, he will talk anyone's ear off that is willing to listen. Mostly about monsters and Mario.
Anyway, here is the guy.

Also while we were eating, all of the princesses came by to talk to us, and take pictures. So Norah was excited to meet all of them. The only princesses that I know she knows are Ariel and Jasmine. She hasn't seen any of the other movies, but she was just as excited to see them too.

Snow White (without her seven dorks, as Nic calls them)


And Jasmine

So when we were done eating (can you tell that was the highlight of the day? lol) we went on some more kiddie rides, which are more nausiating than you'd think.

And when we were done with all of those, we only had about a 1/2 hour left before the park closed. So the boys went back to the Tower of Terror, and my mom, the kids and I watched the parade.
Here's the picture of them on the ride. I think my favorite person in the picture is the absolutely terrified little girl in the front. haha It really makes the ride live up to it's name.

Thursday, May 7, 2009
I am almost 1/2 way there!
My 16 week appointment was this afternoon. For the past 2 weeks, I have had a constant headache. At times it hurts so bad that I start to lose hearing in my left ear. So I told my doctor about it, and she just told me to take excedrin. Ugh. I guess I just have to live with it.
We heard the heartbeat again today, and the baby kept moving away from the doppler, so she had to chase it. Pretty cool, but I still haven't really felt the baby yet. There have been a couple times where I think it could be the baby, but it feels kind of like muscle twitches too. The other night as I was laying in bed, I definatly felt hiccups, but I haven't felt it since then. I am waiting for the rolling, poking in the ribs feeling.
They wanted to do the AFP test today, which I declined, but they still took blood for an AIDS test, since they left that one out last time. They put in a request for the ultrasound to my insurance, and as soon as it's approved, they'll schedule the appointmet. My next check up is June 5th, so hopefully it's before that.
We heard the heartbeat again today, and the baby kept moving away from the doppler, so she had to chase it. Pretty cool, but I still haven't really felt the baby yet. There have been a couple times where I think it could be the baby, but it feels kind of like muscle twitches too. The other night as I was laying in bed, I definatly felt hiccups, but I haven't felt it since then. I am waiting for the rolling, poking in the ribs feeling.
They wanted to do the AFP test today, which I declined, but they still took blood for an AIDS test, since they left that one out last time. They put in a request for the ultrasound to my insurance, and as soon as it's approved, they'll schedule the appointmet. My next check up is June 5th, so hopefully it's before that.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Happy Birthday mama!!
Yesterday was my mom's birthday, so of course, we went to Disneyland (since she got in free.) My brother didn't have to work, so we all went. It was fun. There were lots of people there, but we didn't really have to wait in a line all day.
Nic was attached to my dad's hip all day. He wanted to sit by him on all of the rides, and he wanted to walk with him the whole time. Kind of how Norah is with me every day. Although she did sit with my mom on one ride.
The boys all got fast passes to Space Mountain, and while we were waiting for their time frame, we walked around the "house of innovation" and as soon as we walked in to the kitchen, Devin says, "I made that!" When he worked at 3Form in Salt Lake, he had to make all of these decorative plastic things, and never knew where they would end up. Well, apparantly Disneyland is one of the places.

The next room had a stage with microphones, and without hesitation Nic jumped up and said, "Hi everybody! How's everyone doin' ?? " It was hilarious.

The next stop was the face aging thing. They take your picture, and then show what you'll look like when you're old!

After that, it was time to go back to Space Mountain. Norah's not tall enough, I'm pregnant, and my mom doesn't like rollercoasters, so this one was for just the boys.

When they were done with that, we were starting to get hungry, so we hiked over to the other side of the park, because my mom wanted to eat at the Blue Bayou. It was booked for the entire day, so we had to find another resteraunt. We ended up having to wait 45 minutes for a table, and by then we were all starving. It was worth the wait though, because it was delicious.

After that, we went on some more rides, complained about people not wearing deoderant, ran over a couple people's feet with the stroller unintentionally (sit n stand's suck at turning)...

Then the boys went on Splash Mountain. (We complained about how bored my brother looked on Space Mountain, so he tried to look really excited in this one... I think it's a big improvement. )

Then we went on Winnie the Pooh, and stopped for the photo op with the hunny.

And my favorite picture of the day. This was while we were in line for the submarine.

Today we are back to the "school" thing. I haven't taken pictures of their letters for the past few days, but they are super cute, and I will get around to it maybe later today.
Nic was attached to my dad's hip all day. He wanted to sit by him on all of the rides, and he wanted to walk with him the whole time. Kind of how Norah is with me every day. Although she did sit with my mom on one ride.
The boys all got fast passes to Space Mountain, and while we were waiting for their time frame, we walked around the "house of innovation" and as soon as we walked in to the kitchen, Devin says, "I made that!" When he worked at 3Form in Salt Lake, he had to make all of these decorative plastic things, and never knew where they would end up. Well, apparantly Disneyland is one of the places.

The next room had a stage with microphones, and without hesitation Nic jumped up and said, "Hi everybody! How's everyone doin' ?? " It was hilarious.

The next stop was the face aging thing. They take your picture, and then show what you'll look like when you're old!

After that, it was time to go back to Space Mountain. Norah's not tall enough, I'm pregnant, and my mom doesn't like rollercoasters, so this one was for just the boys.

When they were done with that, we were starting to get hungry, so we hiked over to the other side of the park, because my mom wanted to eat at the Blue Bayou. It was booked for the entire day, so we had to find another resteraunt. We ended up having to wait 45 minutes for a table, and by then we were all starving. It was worth the wait though, because it was delicious.

After that, we went on some more rides, complained about people not wearing deoderant, ran over a couple people's feet with the stroller unintentionally (sit n stand's suck at turning)...

Then the boys went on Splash Mountain. (We complained about how bored my brother looked on Space Mountain, so he tried to look really excited in this one... I think it's a big improvement. )

Then we went on Winnie the Pooh, and stopped for the photo op with the hunny.

And my favorite picture of the day. This was while we were in line for the submarine.

Today we are back to the "school" thing. I haven't taken pictures of their letters for the past few days, but they are super cute, and I will get around to it maybe later today.
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