Monday, October 26, 2009

And more

because I think they turned out cute.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Just because.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Things and stuff.

I can't believe it's almost Halloween already! Norah has wanted to be Ariel since January, so we already went out and bought the costume a few months ago, as I didn't know how 'up to it' I'd feel later on. Then yesterday, he decided that she wants to be a zombie. I think we've convinced her to be Ariel, but she just might be a zombified version to make everyone (except for grandma lol) happy.

This week has been pretty busy so far. Nolan had his circumcision done on Friday, so Monday we had to take him back to the doctor for a check up, to make sure everything is healing ok, which it is. Then yesterday, I had to go to Nic's school to turn in/pick up work, and get a progress report. Nic is pretty average on everything for his age, except he is apparently doing extremely well in math. Devin has taken over the math portion of the teaching, and he always says that he just flys through it. I figured it was just because it's kindergarten, and therefore easy, but the teacher said that it's "impressive" that he is getting everything done so easily. So I am happy about that, and also that he isn't behind on anything. It looks like we are doing good. After talking to the teacher, Nic went to his second "kindergarten camp" class. He said that they read a book about an owl, and then made an owl. The next class is in November, and it is about Thanksgiving, so he's looking forward to that.
Tomorrow, Devin has an 'interviewing skills' class thing that he has to go to. I think there is only one more class after this one, and then he can FINALLY start the HVAC school. Everything keeps getting postponed. It's taking forever, but once he actually gets into this school, things will be better.
Next Thursday, he and my dad have another show. One of these days I will be able to go watch, but for now, I am just the babysitter.
This is a picture from their last show, maybe someone will take more this time. Or hell, maybe even a movie! lol

Monday, October 12, 2009

5 days old

Today was my due date. I stepped on the scale for the first time today, because I wanted to see how big Nolan was. He is still right at 9 lbs. I was actually expecting him to be less, because he's not as puffy as he was 5 days ago, but I was wrong. I am only 3 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight, and I think those pounds are being stored in my boobs. lol My milk is in now, so I've got the pamela anderson thing going on. Devin is not complaining. ha

Everyone is adjusting very well to having a new little one around the house. There are no feelings of jealousy, except the "I wanna hold him" jealousy. Nic gives him hugs throughout the day, and says, "I love you baby Nolan." and "I'm your brother." So sweet. And Norah is a little mama, and comes running every time he makes a noise, and says, "What's wrong?" and gives him a million hugs and kisses.

Little mama

A (failed) attempt at some nice pictures

This is the best one. Right down to Norah picking her nose in the background.

I was born 5 days ago, and all I got was this black eye.

Proud daddy

And I look just about as tired as I feel

Friday, October 9, 2009

He's here!

Wednesday morning, we got to the hospital at 7:00 in the morning, as planned, and by the time we were all set up in the room and had all of the paperwork filled out, the IV was started at 8:00. Contractions started, pretty sporadically at first, and every 15 minutes, the nurse would come in and increase the pitocin. I kept saying, "this isn't going to work" because nothing was happening. I was having contractions, but they were from my belly button up. Uncomfortable, but I knew they weren't opening my cervix. So I labored like this until 2:00 in the afternoon, when my doctor finally came in and checked me. I was STILL a 3. So while he was down there, he stripped my membranes. After he did that things started to get really uncomfortable. I was finally feeling the contractions where I should, and I really thought I was finally getting somewhere.
5:00 rolls around, and the doctor came back to check me again, and I was a 4. At least it was something but after contracting for 9 hours (plus the whole week before hand) and only dilating 1 CENTIMETER, I agreed to have him break my water. But not until I had the epidural.
I got the epidural at 5:30, and the doctor broke my water shortly after that. I was comfortable enough to try and nap as soon as I was left alone again. I figured I had time, since things were going so slow. Well, I was wrong. 30 minutes later, the nurse came in to check me, because I was having crazy contractions since the water had been broken, and I was an 8! 5 minutes later, I called her back in, because I was feeling tons of pressure, and needed to push. She checked me and said, "Oh yeah, he's coming! Let me call the doctor." I had to wait about 15 minutes for the doctor to get back to the hospital, and as soon as he walked into the room, I started pushing, and Nolan David was here in 3 pushes, at 6:53pm.

He was 9 lbs even, 20 inches long. HUGE! If I would have waited another week for him to possibly come on his own, he would have been 10+ lbs easy. I am so happy that I evicted him when I did.

The first night of his life was filled with lots of feet poking and blood tests, because he was so big. They wanted to keep an eye on his blood sugar, but he passed all the tests. Nothing wrong, he's just a healthy guy. Nursing has been going great, and he is the calmest of all of my babies. *knock on wood*

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I am a hypocrite

I went to the doctor this afternoon, and after being checked, and told once again that I am still only a 3, I agreed to an induction. I have been having contractions very consistently since Wednesday, and they haven't been doing ANYTHING. They are coming anywhere from 3 minutes to 15 minutes apart, and they are painful. I walk with a limp because his head is so low, and I feel like if I sneeze hard enough, he's going to come flying out.
So I signed the eviction notice, and will be headed to the hospital at 7:00 tomorrow morning. Hoping for some actual progress, and no c-section in my future. I am now 100% effaced, so the pitocin should work this time. I am nervous, excited, and incredibly sore.

And I totally called the 7th months ago.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Dr. appointment

My doctor is on vacation! So I had to see Dog the bounty hunter again, but at least she knows my history, so it was ok. I told her about the whole hospital ordeal, and the issue with my heart. After writing it all down in my chart, she checked the baby's heart rate. As soon as she put the doppler on, I said, "wow that sounds really fast" and she said, "yeah, it is. It's about 179." So of course I started worrying again. She waited a couple minutes, and checked it again, and it was down to 153. Normal is 130-150. She didn't seem too concerned about it, but she did say that if I feel him moving more than normal, to go straight to the hospital. Which is nearly impossible for me to judge, because he moves like crazy all the time!
So I am just left to worry about it I guess. Also, I have been having contractions since being in the hospital, but they still aren't doing anything, because she checked me yesterday, and I was still a 3! They don't feel like BH, they feel like real contractions, so it's really annoying. The only thing I can do is walk, and hope they start coming in some pattern. I think I might go to the mall later just so I can walk around.
Also, I lost another pound since last week, even though I ate a bunch of ribs and stuff right before my appointment. The nurse asked me if I just don't eat good, and I'm like, "Uh, I just stuffed my face right before I came." It was my brother's birthday yesterday, so we had a big meal in celebration. Anyway, I am sooooo ready to have this baby. I am worried about his little heart, and I know I won't stop worrying until he's out. Go into labor already!!!! Ugh.

These were from yesterday.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Stupid night at L&D

Starting Tuesday night, actually really early Wednesday morning, I woke up to pee, and my heart started fluttering. I just ignored it, but throughout the whole day yesterday, it kept doing it every couple seconds. By about 5:00 at night, Devin finally convinced me to call my doctor, who in turn, told me to go to L&D so they could monitor the baby.
So, I forced myself to go. I really didn't want to, but everyone was pressuring me to. We got there at 6:30, and the hooked me up to the fetal monitors, and checked my cervix. I was 1 centimeter dilated, no big deal. So the nurse left the room, and we just hung out for a while, watching the monitors. Nolan's heartrate was high, around 180, and the whole time I was there, I was having contractions 3-5 minutes apart, not really painful, but they were showing up pretty good on the monitor. So after an hour and a 1/2 of that, they came back in, and checked me again, and I was 3 centimeters. They were keeping me.
Devin and I were both shocked, and it just felt like everything was happening so fast. I went there for my heart, and now they were telling me that I was having a baby!

Devin went home to get the bag I had packed, and to put the kids to bed. I stayed and got poked by the world's worst IV giver. She went completely through my vein, so I have a nice bruise and a lump of saline under my skin. Fun fun. She tried it again, and got it on the second try. She was going to start the pitocin right away, and I told her I didn't want it, so she let me labor on my own for an hour, and then came back in and hooked the pitocin up anyway. So throughout the night, I was having one contraction after another, all while trying to sleep because I figured I'd need my energy soon. Around 4:00 in the morning, the nurse came in to check me again, and I was still a 3. Nothing was happening. And actually, while I fell asleep for an hour or so, my contractions completely stopped, even with the pitocin. The nurse started making comments about breaking my water to get things going. I told her no way, because I knew if I did that, I'd be on the hospitals timeline, and if Nolan didn't want to come within that time frame, I'd have a c-section. No thank you!

So I got up and paced from the door to the bed (hospital policy is no walking in the halls. Isn't that helpful?) and got the contractions going again. After a couple hours of that, thinking that I was getting somewhere, they checked me again, and I was still a 3.

So, they took me off of the pitocin, and let me labor on my own, until 7:30 this morning, when they finally decided to send me home. I couldn't be happier. Nothing felt right about the whole thing, and I felt like I was being trapped into an induction. Nolan is not ready to come out, don't force him! I am anxious to see him, but I don't want to rush things and end up with a c section. I am very relived to be home. And also exhausted.
