Starting Tuesday night, actually really early Wednesday morning, I woke up to pee, and my heart started fluttering. I just ignored it, but throughout the whole day yesterday, it kept doing it every couple seconds. By about 5:00 at night, Devin finally convinced me to call my doctor, who in turn, told me to go to L&D so they could monitor the baby.
So, I forced myself to go. I really didn't want to, but everyone was pressuring me to. We got there at 6:30, and the hooked me up to the fetal monitors, and checked my cervix. I was 1 centimeter dilated, no big deal. So the nurse left the room, and we just hung out for a while, watching the monitors. Nolan's heartrate was high, around 180, and the whole time I was there, I was having contractions 3-5 minutes apart, not really painful, but they were showing up pretty good on the monitor. So after an hour and a 1/2 of that, they came back in, and checked me again, and I was 3 centimeters. They were keeping me.
Devin and I were both shocked, and it just felt like everything was happening so fast. I went there for my heart, and now they were telling me that I was having a baby!
Devin went home to get the bag I had packed, and to put the kids to bed. I stayed and got poked by the world's worst IV giver. She went completely through my vein, so I have a nice bruise and a lump of saline under my skin. Fun fun. She tried it again, and got it on the second try. She was going to start the pitocin right away, and I told her I didn't want it, so she let me labor on my own for an hour, and then came back in and hooked the pitocin up anyway. So throughout the night, I was having one contraction after another, all while trying to sleep because I figured I'd need my energy soon. Around 4:00 in the morning, the nurse came in to check me again, and I was still a 3. Nothing was happening. And actually, while I fell asleep for an hour or so, my contractions completely stopped, even with the pitocin. The nurse started making comments about breaking my water to get things going. I told her no way, because I knew if I did that, I'd be on the hospitals timeline, and if Nolan didn't want to come within that time frame, I'd have a c-section. No thank you!
So I got up and paced from the door to the bed (hospital policy is no walking in the halls. Isn't that helpful?) and got the contractions going again. After a couple hours of that, thinking that I was getting somewhere, they checked me again, and I was still a 3.
So, they took me off of the pitocin, and let me labor on my own, until 7:30 this morning, when they finally decided to send me home. I couldn't be happier. Nothing felt right about the whole thing, and I felt like I was being trapped into an induction. Nolan is not ready to come out, don't force him! I am anxious to see him, but I don't want to rush things and end up with a c section. I am very relived to be home. And also exhausted.